Suchti Cori schrieb:
also ich habe noch keine fehler feststellen können, meine teens haben alle ein lebenswunsch (auch die es gerade geworden sind). das einzige was mir aufgefallen war, das meine nachbarn nicht sehen konnte und dies auch nicht einstellen konnte. aber das hat sich mit den nächsten neustart auch wieder behoben.
bin ich hier die einzige die mit den patch zur zeit zufrieden ist?
Ich kann noch nichts dazu sagen, hab ihn noch nicht installiert, komme auch bis nächste Woche nicht dazu weil Urlaub

Aber da es sehr oft immer die gleichen sind, die Probleme haben, gehe ich davon aus, daß es entweder die PCs sind, die auch ein Patch nicht rettet (außer er hat magische Kräfte) oder das sogenannte Pebkac (Problem Exist Between Keyboard And Chair).
Hier nochmal die - wie ich finde - sehr ausführliche Beschreibung von MTS2:
Sims 2 Patch News...
Your prayers have been answered. The patch is out. Get it
Make sure you download
the correct patch:
If you have University only, download the University patch.
If you have University
and Nightlife, download the
Nightlife patch. This patch
includes all the University fixes. Download this patch even if you don't have University installed.
Before installation, we recommend doing the following:
Remove your hacks
- Use
Clean Installer to scan your Downloads folder & remove or disable hacks (which renames the files to .off)
- Some hacks may not be compatible after you patch your game. Check the fixes list carefully.
2) Disable your custom content (if you have Nightlife installed) or make a back up of them in some place outside the EA Games folder in My Documents.
3) Remember that the patch will touch files in C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2\ directories. If you have modified any of those files, back those up and revert them back to the originals.
4) Patch the game per the instructions on the patch site.
So we can better help you,
we will only support patched games. If you have the original Sims 2 game only (no expansion packs) and have not patched, please patch your game as well. Choose the CD version or the DVD version, depending on what you originally purchased. Maxis releases patches in hopes to fix the bugs that have been reported to them. If you don't patch and you report a problem to them, they will tell you to patch. If any issues arise after patching, then we will do our best to help you.
PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS THREAD TO POST YOUR PROBLEMS POST-PATCH. If you have problems with your game while you are applying the patch or can not run the game post-patch, please post
here. Let's keep this thread on-topic. Any support questions will be deleted.
Thanks for cooperating.
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