bitte mal lesen:
I'm really sorry about this, I was informed that 2 of the 'Bay House' items were bad, the staircase and the extended bay window. Of all things, the biggest file had to have a problem.
I refreshed them with new files, dl'd them myself, re-tested them, they should be okay. It doesn't help that the site is always down, even the Yahoo group is giving me a message saying that the traffic limit has been exceeded, whatever that means. What a mess.
Again, my apologies.
dort heißt es das das große bay window und die treppe einen
fehler haben - sie sind schon korregiert, aber wie immer
mad: )
hat die seite serverprobleme und man kommt nur schlecht an die
reparierten teile ran
p.s. ich habe sie auch noch nicht
bitte mal lesen:
I'm really sorry about this, I was informed that 2 of the 'Bay House' items were bad, the staircase and the extended bay window. Of all things, the biggest file had to have a problem.
I refreshed them with new files, dl'd them myself, re-tested them, they should be okay. It doesn't help that the site is always down, even the Yahoo group is giving me a message saying that the traffic limit has been exceeded, whatever that means. What a mess.
Again, my apologies.
dort heißt es das das große bay window und die treppe einen
fehler haben - sie sind schon korregiert, aber wie immer
hat die seite serverprobleme und man kommt nur schlecht an die
reparierten teile ran

p.s. ich habe sie auch noch nicht

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