@Nardo: Bitte Urland nicht einstellen!
@xenon 54: Jap, jede Menge, ich konnte einfach nicht aufhören überall Details reinzustopfen ;D
@ChristophB. : Danke für's Lob und viel Spaß mit deinem CJ

@Franky: Wann willst mit mir ne Runde gehen?

@kuebelpflanze: Wird die Museumsleitung reuen, einen neuen Mitarbeiter zu haben
@Drache im U49: Pic 7 links unten
U50 - Jubilee
Heyho und willkommen zum fünfzigsten Update meines CJs Dragon Islands.
Heute darf sich der JR0 auch wieder einmal bewegen.
^^Ok, I think most of you remember this place^^
So you know where we are.
Let's start our Kodama journey to Shì Yan. First we will ride out of the depot and pick up the passengers at the Airport station.....
After picking up about 320 passengers (This time a JR300 has to stay at home that normally runs this service) the JR0 heads to Lòng Chéng, the first stop on our route.
There is nothing an old Bullet train likes more than running at top speed.....
This bridge connects the western islands with the dragon Isle.
Welcome to Lòng chéng zhongyang chezhàn. Somehow a well known place n this CJ

the train is pretty crowded, nearly no free seats left....
Heading through the city to the next Stop, Lònghú.
The beginning of the bridge over the Dragon's neck.
Short after stopping at the central Station of Lònghú whe head through this scene... does someone remmber it?
Still Lònghú.
Heading into the center of Liu shì, this city is squeezed in between Lònghú and Shì yan, together those three cities form a small metropolis.
We reach this place short after stopping at the station of Liu Shì. Still very crowded the train heads to it's next stop - Shì Yan.
The track leads through a poor district of Liu shì, thoose wooden homes belong workers of the closeup factories. The second JR0 in the pic is owned by eastern DI rail and still in regular service.
A lot more wealthy athmosphrere when reaching Shì Yan.
We reach the main station of Shì Yan, The - still crowded- JR0 will continue it's service to the airport of Shì Yan where it will wait in the depot for further tours through DI.....
Ich hoffe euch hat auch dieses Update gefallen, Grüße, Skimbo.